
Sunday, October 21, 2012


Who's participating in NaNoWriMo this year?

Most likely, I'm down for the count. My exams are during November... sadness. However, there's only five exams and they're over by the 19th. There is certainly nothing stopping me from doing a buttload of writing anyway. My first endeavour is to finish writing Katherine, which is a perfectly achievable goal. Considering the lack of detailed planning I made, I'm severely impressed that the first draft has gone this smoothly so far. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep it under 20,000 words and it will be eligible for a novella competition.

Second on the agenda is my goal to transform a fanfiction I am writing into a full-length original novel. It's not quite finished in it's fanfiction form yet, but there are many things that will be different by the time I'm through with it. So I'm excited.

What are your NaNoWriMo goals?

- Bonnee.


  1. I'm not sure.

    I am actually in need of something new right now, as Barton's Women is now in the hands of others. It would be good to get a start on a new project. The problem is, the idea that poked into my brain last month hasn't really developed yet, and I hesitate to force it. I'm also expecting the feedback from BW to come in early/mid-November, and once that does, I'll likely want to get right on that.

    So, long story short, I guess my NaNo goal (whether I do NaNo formally or not) is to grow that glimmer of an idea into something more concrete and get started on it.

    1. It sounds like a reasonable goal, and I'm sure I'd be doing something similar if I were in your situation. I guess I'll want to edit Katherine as much as I can before I need to submit it. Hope you can get your feedback on BW soon and get diving into revisions!

  2. It NEVER works out that I'm in the drafting stage come November ... grrrr. I guess my NanNo will be of the editing sort. I'm on track to have my revisions finished the first week of December, so that's exciting in its own right.

    Good luck with your writing - and exams!

    1. I'm going to have to set aside a project ahead of time next year to make sure that I am ready for the drafting stage... edits are a good second option, I reckon, so best of luck to you with finishing your revisions on time! Thanks for the luck, too! :)

  3. hmm, well, I am just hoping to keep working on, and finishing up my current major WIP. But, I might expand on a few ideas I had last month))

    1. Sounds like a plan. If you can get the WIP done, get cracking on those ideas from last month!!! :)

  4. Good luck for your exams ! FIGHTING !!!

  5. I read about NaNo in other blogs, but I have no plans to join. Just focusing on improving my second novel. But I don't know much about NaNo and its benefits to writers. Good luck in finishing KATHERINE and in the contest for novellas. But first are the Exams.

    1. Do you want me to explain NaNo to you or are you happy to figure it out yourself? I'm so close to finishing Katherine, even though I'm already over the word-limit, but there's still time for me to edit it down. Exams definitely come first though!!!! I graduate tonight!


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