
Monday, November 25, 2013

Achievement Unlocked: 50K Words

I guess I disappeared from the blogosphere for a little bit there. Sorry about that! My NaNoWriMo manuscript WALLS drew me in and I couldn't stop writing. The good thing about that is that I hit the 50K word count last night... and kept going for a couple of thousand more words. And November isn't even over yet! 

Looking at where I am with this story, I'd say I've got at least another 25K-50K words to go before the whole thing is finished. I'm going to aim to have the first draft complete by Christmas, or at least by the new year. There has been a bit of character establishment and a LOT of character development so far, and Mildred has just made Kovax promise her something, though I won't tell you what the promise was. 

In other news, any Avatar: The Last Airbender fans will be interested to hear that I finally found out what happened to Zuko's mother after reading 'The Search', which is part of the official continuation of the TV series in comic book form. I'll have to double back and read 'The Promise' at some point, but I got too excited about finding out what happened to her and skipped ahead. 

How are everybody else's November goals for their writing and revising etc going? 

- Bonnee. 


  1. Wow, good for you on that word count! Fantastic. :)

  2. Congrats on breaking the word barrier. It's like you broke the sound barrier, only with words. Just thought I'd make that distinction clear for you.

    Also, you just reminded me how much I HAVE to get into the Avatar franchise. I don't know how I let an entire series pass me by like that, but based on the episodes I have seen, I've made a terrible, terrible choice. And more than a few leading up to that one choice, but that's neither here nor there.

    1. Thanks for making that distinction clear :)

      You've made a huge mistake by not getting into the Avatar franchise! Do it!

  3. Awesome job, Bonnee, congratulations! It's quite a kick to make those milestones.

    Me, I have to go back to the beginning of my manuscript for one last bit of tightening up front, then it's query time.

    1. It was an exciting moment when I saw the word counter switch over to 50K.

      Great work, Jeff! Keep going :)

  4. Congratulations. I didn't write much at all.

  5. Congratulations on reaching - and surpassing - 50K! That is awesome, and it sounds like you're having so much fun with it, too, which is the best part! :)

    1. As fun as it is, the past 5,000 words or so have been really depressing... Thanks for your support Shari :)

  6. Great job, Bonnee. I'm unable to write that fast, so I'm amazed at your speed. From what I read a good words count for YA fiction is 60K to 70K words. Best wishes in finishing all the writing and then revising.
    Interesting Australian News. Oxford Dictionary named the word "Selfie" as the new top word for 2013 and then revealed that it was created by a young Australian man in 2002, following the tendency of Australians to make cute slangy words from by adding "ie", like they created Barbie from barbecue and Firie for firefighter.
    Well, maybe you invent a new cute slangy word with "ie ending" and continue this Australian tradition.

    1. Thanks Giora, and I'm sure you'd be able to do it yourself if you tried really hard! I was so full of self-doubt when I started out. I'll worry about having too many words or not enough after the first draft is written, when it's time to revise everything.

      If you do a Google search, you can probably find somewhere online to buy a dictionary of Australian slang. I have a friend whose family moved here from Canada about 8 years ago and they had one in their car. A few other "ie" slang words are 'Aussie', 'truckie', and 'tradie'. I'll let you know if I think of one that no one else had thought of before ;)

      Thanks for visiting, Giora!

  7. congrats for finishing NaNo and good luck with finishing the rest of the novel. I'm planning the same thing for Christmas. Must...keep...writing!

    1. Never stop writing! :) Congrats on your NaNo win, Lynda!


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