
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

So you know how I said I finished uni ...?

In the midst of all the job hunting, attempts at writing, and finding places to submit, I ended up talking to my Honours course director. Who also happens to be the course director of the Masters of Writing and Literature.

Aaaaaaaannnnddddd I enrolled in Masters for 2017.

Apparently, I don't want to stop being a student. My enrollment is still a bit messy. My Honours thesis marks haven't been finalised yet, so I haven't got all of my Credit for Prior Learning registered. But I am definitely going to be able to fast-track the Masters to (hopefully) just one year of coursework towards a Creative Writing specialisation, with editing and publishing units to boot.

I am still job-hunting, but have re-secured a place on the WORDLY team again. Honestly, I wish I had made this decision before the Writers Club AGM, because I would have LOVED to stay on the executive committee for another year. Alas, a new team was elected in September, and although they're a little relieved to hear that I'll be sticking around to support them, I don't want to take this great learning opportunity away from them by over-imposing myself on my old role. I'm excited to see what they'll do with the club and the magazine (and let's be honest, it'll be nice to attend a magazine launch without having to stress over a running-sheet or if we budgeted for enough food).

I was going to hold off confessing this piece of news until my enrollment finished sorting itself out, but it's been over two weeks since I applied, and nearly two weeks since accepting the offer. I think I've been patient enough. Let's see if I can keep up the blogging at least until I start back in March.

How are your writerly endeavours going? NaNoers? All others? 



  1. Sounds like you have your whole future ahead of you, how exciting. And what an active soul you are too. Best of luck with it all... :-)

  2. Well, that is exciting, congratulations! A good choice, too. My experience is that it gets harder and harder to go back to school once you're out. Good luck with the job search, and your 'writerly endeavors.' I put about 500 words in my NanO/WiP, but I'm making good headway in my RiP.

  3. Best of luck for your masters.

  4. Maria: Thanks for visiting. I'm pretty excited (albeit terrified) for what the future holds as I take this next step.

    Jeff: 500 is better than none, and the RiP is probably technically more important on the basis of being a complete draft. Thanks for visiting, as always!

    Patsy: thanks heaps!


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